Getting started with Today's Class

Getting started is easy.  If you need to set up your team's roster, you can do so by completing the Big O online roster form (linked here).

Once your roster is submitted and user accounts have been activated, you can follow the instructions below to download the Today's Class app or access the training online.  When logging in the first time, most users will use their personal email address as their username and an initial password of "learning".  For example, if your personal email address is, you will initially log in with:


Password: learning

Please note that your manager may have created a customer username for you.  Check with your manager before setting up your account.  Please direct any questions you have to Darrell Jackson ( 

Getting Started with Today’s Class

iOS App

For iPhone and iPad users

Android App

For Android users


Access online


Access Today's Class

  1. Log in with username provided by your manager and learning as your temporary password.
  2. Create a new password, set up your profile, and review and accept our user agreement.
  3. Now you will be on your LearnerZone page and receive training based on your user settings.
    Note: Not all organizations push Daily Training on weekends, so you may not receive a training session until Monday.

2700 Corporate Drive
Suite 200
Birmingham, AL 35242

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