ai chip and circuit board
Data & ROI

How to Measure the Effectiveness of AI-Based Automotive Training

Artificial intelligence has made its way to automotive training, but probably not in the way you're imagining. While a lot of AI deals with content creation, the AI-driven algorithms behind Today’s...

Data & ROI

Revolutionizing Automotive Training: Harnessing Data for Success

As new, more complex car models hit the market, the importance of keeping your team members sharp and well-trained cannot be overstated. But with such rapid advancements, how do you ensure your team...

Data & ROI

How to Use Data to Improve Technician Training Programs

When new vehicle models roll out faster than ever, and each one is more complex than the last, keeping your technicians sharp and skilled is essential for your survival. But how do you ensure they're...


5 KPIs for Assessing Automotive Technician Performance

In the world of automotive repair, technician performance assessment stands as a pivotal practice that significantly impacts the success and reputation of a shop. It goes beyond merely tracking...

Data & ROI

5 Reasons to Measure Team Training ROI

Our industry is a competitive space, which means that shops need to be able to see real, meaningful returns on their investments — especially when it comes to team training. By understanding the...


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